Preparedness Kits and Supplies

FEMA Emergency Supply ListThere are all kinds of recommendations on what belongs in a “go kit” or emergency supply kit – what’s important is to get started and customize it for your own family’s needs.

There are numerous lists and guidelines out there, including on our “Home Preparedness” page (taken from the LA Emergency Management Department – 5 Step Program Survey).

Our CERT-trained, MYN-participant neighbor, Kalee Thompson, has written a great article that details recommendations of key products based on hours of real world testing. Read her story in the online publication “Sweethome”.

Kits can be assembled from local hardware stores and pharmacies – or purchased pre-loaded. The difference may come down to how much time you have to research and locate all the pieces. There are also local stores that specialize in preparedness supplies, such as:

  • SOS – 15705 Strathern St., #11, Van Nuys, CA 91406 – (800) 479.7998 –

You can also find many supplies at outdoor/camping supply stores, garage sales, and, of course, online.


In conjunction with the “Map Your Neighborhood” program, we have assembled some starter kits based what’s recommended to be readily accessible in a disaster.  We’ve given away some kits as door prizes at MYN Workshops.

For a limited time, we’re offering a free kit to anyone donating $30 or more to our our 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the Mt. Washington Jessica Neighborhood, Inc. Proceeds help cover supplies used in preparedness workshops and drills as well as other neighborhood endeavors. You can still get a donation letter for a portion of the contribution.

If you’re interested in getting a kit,  contact us at You can also donate online –  just make a note that you want the kit in the “special instructions” field. Get them now while supplies last!

What’s in the kit: Hard hat, leather gloves, goggles, N95 dust masks, non-latex gloves, light stick and a whistle. And this year we added a safety vest.

MYN Under-the-Bed Kit

MWJN Under-the-Bed Kit