MWJN Weekly Sunday Evening Radio Check-in Now 6:30 PM

We have changed the time of the Sunday evening check-in from 7pm to 6:15pm at the request of several participants.

A great way to familiarize yourself with using a hand-held radio, or to practice what you’ve already learned, is to participate in our regular Sunday evening Radio Roll Call on Channel 5 at 6:15pm. It’s also a handy way to make sure your equipment is working properly. Last but not least, its an opportunity to communicate with a group of your neighbors and make sure everyone is doing OK. That was particularly reassuring during the pandemic!

neighbor with radio

The Radio Call-in is done from your home, with the best reception usually achieved by going outside on your deck/patio or yard.

The format is relatively informal and is run by “Net Control”, the “traffic cop” or moderator of radio communications. We have a couple of regular Net Control operators (usually Don or Ben) but we encourage others to take the helm to gain experience. In a real disaster, we have no way of knowing who may be at home or physically able to run the Net. Assuming the role includes documenting who calls in from what street/block and offering a total number of participants at the end of the session. Wait for a clear space to speak as others may try to talk at the same time. Net Control will acknowledge you and thank you for calling if you can be heard.

If you hear someone check in who is not acknowledged by the moderator, you can help out by relaying the check in. It goes something like this:

Susan: “Don, this is Susan on Oneonta with a relay”.

Don: “Susan, go ahead with the relay”.

Susan: “George on Oban checked in.”

Don: Thank you George for checking in and thank you Susan for the relay.”

Suzy as Guest Net Control

We usually have about 25 check-ins and the entire thing usually takes about half an hour. Several children participate with their parents. Its a fun family friendly activity for a Sunday evening.

Photo of Suzy as Guest Net Control

If you are interested in serving as Net Control one Sunday, send an email to mailto: Also, contact us if you need a radio. We have a few radios available to those who donate to our nonprofit.

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