
MWJN Beautification Committee

Jessica Triangle PathThe purpose of the Beautification committee is to contribute ideas, set goals, develop and execute plans, and provide helping hands as we build on the fine work Paula, Linda and Gwen and others have done over the years at the Jessica Triangle and the Olancha-Oneonta Stairs.

“The stairs and the triangle are wonderful neighborhood assets. The triangle makes a lovely entrance to our neighborhood. The stairs are a wonderful place to exercise, meet other people, and see the view. The stairs act as a public meeting place in the same way that a square or park does in other cities. Both places also offer an opportunity for neighbors to get involved in a community project that directly affects them, and for which they can see tangible results.”  Al Winn, The Eastsider – 2010

Jessica Triangle is the landmark at the intersection of Jessica Drive and Cleland Avenue. Beginning in the late 90′s, local residents helped transform the triangle from a litter-strewn patch of asphalt to a beautifully landscaped drought-tolerant pocket park. You can read the inspiring story in Highland Park-Mount Washington Patch.

We hold Jessica Triangle work parties about four times a year.  We have had several volunteers from the neighborhood weeding and watering (thanks to neighbor, Jose, who donated his hose and water), and many neighbors stopping by to contribute.

Oneonta-Olancha Stairs

Oneonta-Olancha Stairs

We also have Cleanups at the Oneonta-Olancha Stairs spring and fall and as needed. Check our Facebook Page for current events. Take a walk and check out the beautiful murals on the stairs created in the 90’s by Mike Schelly.

If you can’t attend the cleanup events, you can still donate to the cause here: You can note “Beautification”  and “Triangle” or “Stairs” under “special instructions” (or leave blank to support our broader agenda).

Volunteers interested in continuing efforts with the Jessica Triangle and the Oneonta-Olancha Stairs, please contact