CERT Booth – Mt. Washington Jessica Neighborhood Earthquake Drill 10/18/14 – photo by Martha Benedict
CERT-LA : The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program is a FEMA/LAFD 17.5 hour training program empowering people to take care of themselves, their families, and their neighbors following any disaster. http://www.cert-la.com/
CITY OF LA – EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: The EMD is responsible for the coordination of Los Angeles’ emergency planning, training, response and recovery efforts in the midst of major disasters such as fires, floods, earthquakes, acts of terrorism and major events in the city that require involvement by multiple city departments. http://emergency.lacity.org/
RYLAN: “Ready Your LA Neighborhood” is a new program being rolled out in May of 2018 by the City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department. The program features “Map Your Neighborhood” as its primary tool for preparedness at the neighborhood level.
“Map Your Neighborhood”: The original program, created by LuAn Johnson, PhD, MYN’s 9-Step Response Plan begins at home and then reaches throughout the neighborhood. It teaches what to do in the first hour of a disaster response to save a life, reduce the severity of injuries, reduce emotional distress, and decrease property and environmental damage. Mt. Washington Jessica Neighborhood has an active MYN program.
- Humane Society of United States: http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/animal_rescue/tips/pets-disaster.html
- ASPCA: http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/general-pet-care/disaster-preparedness
- FEMA – Animals in Disasters: Community Planning Course: https://training.fema.gov/is/courseoverview.aspx?code=is-11.a
- CERT – Animal Module: http://www.cert-la.com/downloads/manuals/CERT_Animal_Response_I_PM_Final_073010.pdf
- Red Cross: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family/pets
- Pet Tech – Pet First Aid: http://www.pettech.net/index.php
- Prepare Home and Family: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family
- Children: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family/children
- People with Disabilities: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family/disabilities
- Brochure: http://www.redcross.org/images/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m4240199_A4497.pdf
- Disability Links:
- The Access Board – www.access-board.gov
- DHHS Administration on Aging – www.aoa.dhhs.gov
- National Council on Disability – www.ncd.gov
- National Organization on Disability – www.nod.org/emergency
- Prepare.org – www.prepare.org
- American Association for People with Disabilities – www.aapd.com
- www.afb.org American Foundation for the Blind
- www.nad.org National Association of the Deaf
- www.lacity.org/DOD Los Angeles City Department on Disability
- www.easter-seals.org Easter Seals
- Seniors: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family/seniors
- Get Tech Ready: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family/tech-ready
- Prepare Your Data and Devices: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family/tech-ready/data
If you come across a downed power line, stay as far away from it as you can and call 911. Assume it is live. Never touch a downed power line or anything near it.
Do not drive over down power lines. Should a power line fall on your car when you’re driving, slowly continue to move completely clear of it. If your car can’t move away from the power line, stay in the car until help arrives.
If a person or pet comes in contact with a power line, stay clear and call 911 immediately. Do not touch them or the wire.
Do not drive over down power lines. Should a power line fall on your car when you’re driving, slowly continue to move completely clear of it. If your car can’t move away from the power line, stay in the car until help arrives.
If a person or pet comes in contact with a power line, stay clear and call 911 immediately. Do not touch them or the wire.
Please view this video. It may save your life.
Because fires can be so volatile and change so quickly, CERT team members should only attempt to put out small fires, when it is safe to extinguish them. Three elements are needed to create and sustain a fire. They are — heat, fuel, and oxygen. Watch this video for important tips on how to use a fire extinguisher:
- SOS in Van Nuys – Disaster preparedness supplies and training – www.sosproducts.com
- Major Surplus in Gardena: Military surplus and disaster preparedness supplies – www.majorsurplus.com
- Safe ‘N Ready in Pasadena – Sadly, Safe ‘N Ready closed in 2017
- Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair – now in its’ eleventh year, the fair features speakers, demonstrations and excellent giveaways! Always worth the drive! Next date: September 29, 2018