23 Aug

CERT Medical Treatment Exercise 10/30

CERT Battalion 2 is hosting a Medical Treatment at the Tarp Exercise in nearby Lincoln Heights on Sunday, October 30. Its a great opportunity to practice what you’ve learned in the CERT classes. Haven’t taken a CERT class? Find one near you!

The Community Emergency Response Team Training teaches you about how a mass casualty incident works.  You triage victims minor, delayed, and immediate and then take them to the appropriate tarp.  But what happens after that?

Join us as we review and practice Medical Treatment at the Tarp.

We’ll team you up with fellow CERT members and simulate several mass casualty events where you and your team have to perform hands-on head-to-toe assessments/reassessments and hands on medical treatment.

EMT, Paramedic, and Nurse coaches will be on hand to work with you through the process of assessment and treatment so that you practice the skills that you learned in class correctly and confidently.

We are looking for victim volunteers, additional coaches, and staff for the event.  Register on eventbrite if you’re interested.

Lincoln Park – 3501 Valley Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90031 – View Map
08 Aug

Great California Shakeout 10/20



Millions of people worldwide will practice how to Drop, Cover, and Hold On at 10:20 a.m. on October 20* during Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills, which began in California in 2008.

Sign up at http://shakeout.org/california/register/

Participating is a great way for your family or organization to be prepared to survive and recover quickly from big earthquakes– wherever you live, work, or travel. ShakeOut is also a major activity of America’s PrepareAthon!

There are many ways for individuals, businesses, schools, faith-based organizations, community groups, scouts, and others to participate in the ShakeOut. The links below have customized ideas for what you or your organization can do. Additional resources for your drill are also below.


03 Aug

Visiting MYN Founder LuAn Johnson

LuAn Johnson with Ben Park

LuAn Johnson, PhD with Ben Park

How cool is this?

In July, our Secretary/Treasurer, Ben Park got to meet Map Your Neighborhood founder, LuAn Johnson – while visiting Seattle. She was excited to hear how Mt. Washington Jessica has successfully implemented the program she started at the Washington State Emergency Management Department. LuAn’s current venture is Span Disaster, a nonprofit that that continues the principles of Map Your Neighborhood.

30 May

CERT Class in Lincoln Heights beginning 7/7

CERT LogoThursday Evenings – July 7 – August 18, 2016 from 6:30 – 9:00 PM

620 Moulton St.
Community Room
Los Angeles, CA 90031


Class 1 – July 7  Introduction, Disaster Awareness
Class 2 – July 14 Disaster Fire Suppression Techniques
Class 3 – July 21 Disaster Medical Operations 1
Class 4 – July 28 Disaster Medical Operations 2
Class 5 – Aug 4   Light Search & Rescue Operations)
Class 6 – Aug 11  Team Organization & Disaster Psychology
Class 7 – Aug 18  Terrorism & Homeland Defense

Register on Eventbrite


Check out all CERT classes being offered in the LA area at Eventbrite.

For further information, you may contact the CERT Unit at (213) 893-9840.