26 Mar

Pet First Aid Class 4/16

When your pet needs you the most, will you be ready?

Flyer for Pet First Aid Class 4/16/16Saturday, April 16, 2016
9:00 am to 1:00 pm

When your pet needs you most, will you be ready?

When emergencies happen, the right skills can mean the difference between relief and tragedy. Make sure you know how to respond.

You will learn how to manage a variety of urgent care situations including: car accidents, wounds, electrical shock, and eye, foot and ear injuries.

Instructor: Cindy Sanchez
• Professional Dog Trainer
• Red Cross Instructor
• Disaster Animal Responder

SOS Survival Products C. Denise Edwards Training Center
15705 Strathern St., #11
Van Nuys, CA 91406

Cost: $40 per student

02 Feb

CERT Community Meeting – Map Your Neighborhood 2/9

Battalion 2 Meeting FlyerDisaster Preparedness Community Meeting on Tuesday, Feb 9th,  from 7pm – 8:30pm
Fire Station 50 – 3036 Fletcher Dr. LA (in Glassell Park)

FREE and open to everyone, CERT trained or non-CERT trained

Register at Eventbrite

During the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Community Meeting we’ll discuss Map Your Neighborhood (MYN).

MYN is a step-by-step process designed to help neighborhoods prepare for disasters and to know what to do immediately following one. Neighbors learn to work together as a team to evaluate their neighborhood following a disaster and to take action to mitigate risks that could require a 911 call if left unchecked. This program embraces all neighbors, CERT and non-CERT, and fits nicely into the 5 Steps.la Program.

CERT Battalion 2 has embraced the Map Your Neighborhood paradigm based in part on the success of the program in the Mt. Washington Jessica Neighborhood. Come to the meeting and see how your immediate neighbors have influenced the larger plans of LA preparedness.

There are already six MYN Block Teams in the battalion and we plan on many more.

If you want more out of your CERT experience join us and find out how.
Afterwards, ask questions about disaster preparedness and talk to other community members about emergency plans in our neighborhood.

02 Feb

CERT Classes begining in March





Echo Park – Tuesday Evenings – March 15 – April 26, 2016 from 6:30 – 9:00 PM


Class 1 – March 15 (Introduction, Disaster Awareness)

Class 2 – March 22 (Disaster Fire Suppression Techniques)

Class 3 – March 29 ( Disaster Medical Operation 1)

Class 4  – April 5 (Disaster Medical Operations 2)

Class 5 – April 12 (Light Search & Rescue Operations)

Class 6 – April 19  (Team Organization & Disaster Psychology)

Class 7 – April 26 (Terrorism & Homeland Security)


Check out all CERT classes being offered in the LA area at Eventbrite.

For further information, you may contact the CERT Unit at (213) 893-9840.

12 Dec


Stuffed coyote at ASNC wildlife presentationOn December 1, 2015 a public symposium was conducted by Hoang Dinh of LA Animal Services and volunteers from CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.  The event focused on co-existing with coyotes and emphasized the importance of not feeding (even fallen fruit can attract them)  and “hazing” to keep them naturally afraid of humans.  The event was sponsored by the Arroyo Seco Neighborhood Council Public Safety Committee.

LA Animal Services Coyote Pamphlet

CA Fish and Wildlife Coyote Info

Contact Info:

  • For any Human life threatening situations call 9-1-1.
  • For any urgent animal related EMERGENCY calls (injured, orphaned (alone >24 hours), distressed, or sick animals) call your local shelter at 888-452-7381 and follow the prompts.
  • If you experience unusual wildlife behaviors, contact the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

For more information regarding how to co-exist with our local Wildlife, search on or call our LA Animal Services NON EMERGENCY Wildlife phone line 323-225-WILD (9453).