12 Feb

CERT Classes starting in March

March 3 – Mt. Washington Elementary School (Day time class)

March 5 – Eagle Rock (Evenings)

March 5 – Highland Park (Day time class)

To see all CERT training offered through LAFD, visit EVENTBRITE.

CERT classes are offered through the LA Fire Dept. and are free of charge. New classes are added regularly – check eventbrite for the latest info: http://www.eventbrite.com/o/lafd-cert-program-7803155391

To become a CERT graduate, you must complete the 17-1/2 hour course (Level 1). Level 1 training is taught by professional experienced firefighters and paramedics. Most classes run one evening  a week for 7 weeks, although some classes are available daytime and/or weekends. More info is available on the CERT website: www.cert-la.com.


CLASS 1 – INTRODUCTION, EARTHQUAKE AWARENESS Registration Introduction Earthquake Threat in Southern California Personal & Family Preparation Nonstructural Hazard Mitigation

CLASS 2 – DISASTER FIRE SUPPRESSION TECHNIQUES Fire Chemistry Fire Extinguisher Use Utility Control Creative Firefighting Techniques Hazardous Materials / Placarding

CLASS 3 – DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS (SESSION 1) Recognizing Life-Threatening Emergencies Treating Life-Threatening Emergencies Triage

CLASS 4 – DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS (SESSION 2) AND MULTI-CASUALTY INCIDENT Head-to-Toe Evaluation Treating Non-Life-Threatening Emergencies Treatment Area Management

CLASS 5 – LIGHT SEARCH & RESCUE OPERATIONS Evacuation Search Techniques Rescue Methods / Cribbing

CLASS 6 –TEAM ORGANIZATION & DISASTER PSYCHOLOGY Developing a Response Team Incident Command System “ICS” Psychological “Size-Up”

CLASS 7 – TERRORISM & HOMELAND DEFENSE History of Terrorism Do’s and Don’ts During a Terrorist Act Homeland Defense Tips

25 Sep

Final Drill Planning Meeting and Volunteer Signup 9/30/14

Final Countdown to the 10/18 Drill – It’s not too late to get involved! A great way to practice your CERT skills or learn what it’s all about.

WHEN: Tuesday Sept 30 – 7:00 PM

WHERE: Holy Virgin Mary Coptic Orthodox Church
4900 Cleland Ave (corner of Terrace 49)
Los Angeles, CA 90065.

WHY: We need to sign up volunteers of all skill levels to participate in the Neighborhood CERT Earthquake Disaster Drill on October 18.  Please come and help us finalize the plan for this important  event. The Neighborhood CERT Earthquake Disaster Drill on October 18 will be a learning experience for us all!

If you can’t make the meeting and still want to participate on 10/18, email: info at mtwashingtonjessica.org