Weeding Weekend at Jessica Triangle 5/1 – 5/4

Wanna get out of the house? Well, here a fun and helpful opportunity in your neighborhood this weekend.
With all the rain this past winter, the JESSICA TRIANGLE needs to be weeded. It’s the landmark at the intersection of Jessica Drive and Cleland Avenue. Beginning in the late 90′s, local residents helped transform the triangle from a litter-strewn patch of asphalt to a beautifully landscaped drought-tolerant pocket park, and neighbors have been maintaining it ever since.
We can’t really have a work day, where people from around the neighborhood gather and work all at the same time. But we can have VIRTUAL WORK DAY, where each family selects a 2-hour time slot during which they will come an work.
Of course, you aren’t expected to work the whole 2 hours! However, when you reserve that block of time, you are asking that no one else go to the Triangle so you and the people who live with you can work safely without having to worry about social distancing in the Triangle area. 30 minutes. 60 minutes. 90 minutes. 120 minutes. Whatever suits your schedule, your family size, and your abilities.
Bring your own tools, and maybe a garbage bag (or your own green bin if you are close by) dig up the weeds, and then send a picture of your team to info@mtwashingtonjessica.org so we can post it. Just focus on weeding. We’ll take care of any pruning. If you’re not sure if its a weed or a good plant, leave it alone.
There are sawhorse signs that ask people to not walk through the Triangle while you are working. Please post them at each end of the path, and replace them under the tree when you’re done.
Can’t donate some time? How about donating money to the MWJN Beautification Fund? Donate here [http://mtwashingtonjessica.org/support-us/donate>] and please note “beautification – Triangle” to make sure your donation goes to the right place.
Sign up for your family’s time slot on Doodle: doodle.com/poll/5zn23c2d6ms74m8g .
Send any Questions to info@mtwashingtonjessica.org
And thanks in advance for your help!