26 Jul

MWJN Zoom Radio Workshop 8/4/20 7pm

Example Radio plan

As a follow up to our RADIO DRILL on July 26, we are offering a guided workshop hosted by Pierre Landry via Zoom on Tuesday, August 4th from 7-8:30 pm. We will be covering:

  • How radios fit into our MYN Response Plan
  • Review of the the block-level radio plan
  • Basic 2-Way radio tips
  • Practice radio transmissions
  • Next Steps

Sign up for free on Eventbrite:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mwjn-zoom-radio-workshop-8420-tickets-115107198730 (Registration required to access Zoom link)

05 Jul

Radio Days – July 11-12, 18-19, 25 – Bring Your Radios

The doctor is “In”


“Radio Days” refers to an informal, socially distanced walkie-talkie clinic from 10am – 2pm hosted in the driveway/garage at 909 Oneonta Drive. In preparation for the MWJN Radio Drill on 7/26, our radio team will spend their weekends between now and then helping you get your FRS radios working. Maybe the batteries are dead and corroded. Maybe you never learned how to turn it on or change the channel. Maybe you’re experienced with walkie-talkies at work but unfamiliar with how we use them in this neighborhood.

We’ll have some handouts and practice scripts and information about our Radio Drill on 7/26

Masks are not optional for Radio Days and will be provided if you don’t wear your own. There will be a sign up sheet for half hour time slots to minimize waiting times.

Don’t forget to bring your radios! If you don’t have one, we can provide one.

JULY 2020 SPECIAL Donations of $30 will receive a pair of fully programmed FRS radios with charger. $15 will get 1 radio.

MORE OPPORTUNITY FOR PRACTICE: Every Sunday at 7pm on channel 5

10 Oct

Radio Workshop Wednesday, Oct. 16

Pizza fro CERT/CSMR provided by ASNCDid your walkie -talkie work as planned during the drill? Are you overwhelmed by technology and need a little hand-holding to get started? Can you turn it on but don’t know what to say or when to say it? Do you understand everything there is to know about using radios but wish your neighbors had better training?



Wednesday, Oct 16  from 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Coptic Church – 4900 Cleland Ave. 90042
(downstairs – walk down the driveway on the left side of the church as you’re facing it and enter through the doorway on your right)

Bring your radios (whether you purchased them yourself or received a set for your block)

We will go over:

  • Turning radios on and off
  • Charging, battery care and maintenance
  • Changing channels
  • Push-to-talk
  • Effective protocols (what to say)
  • Our Mt. Washington Jessica radio plan
  • Challenges of our hilly neighborhood
  • What is a repeater and what  you need to know about it
  • What worked and didn’t with radios during our last drill
  • Any questions you may have about radios
11 Jun

Map Your Neighborhood Facilitator Traning 6/24

MYN Workshop

Map Your Neighborhood Workshop

Monday, June 24 from 7-9pm at the Coptic Church – a Map Your Neighborhood Facilitator Training Class will be taught by Ben Park, a Red Cross certified trainer.  Ben has systematically brought MYN to much of our area. If you are tired of waiting for Ben to have time to come facilitate a meeting in your block, take this class and learn from the best how to do it yourself. Then you can bring it to more of your neighbors.

Map Your Neighborhood (MYN) connects individual preparedness with preparedness on your block. Know who your neighbors are, who might need special assistance, and who might have special skills or equipment to help your neighbors in a disaster. When the emergency responders are overwhelmed, we will only have each other to rely on.

The 9-Step program is easy and covers what to do both at home and then on your block in the first 60 minutes after disaster strikes. Practicing makes it even easier.

LuAn Johnson with Ben Park

LuAn Johnson, PhD with Ben Park

The “Map Your Neighborhood” program was developed by LuAn Johnson, PhD  of SPAN Disaster Services in Seattle. It is endorsed and promoted by the American Red Cross.  The program is in use throughout the US including Los Angeles as  “Ready Your LA Neighborhood” . Map Your Neighborhood is also being integrated into the Los Angeles CERT Battalion 2 Master Plan. MYN is designed to bridge Community Emergency Response Team training (CERT) and individual preparedness.

MYN is implemented through an interactive meeting  with 10-20  neighbors in one of their homes. A 9-step program is clearly laid out through informational videos that are watched and paused to develop simple maps and  invaluable lists on the spot.

MYN "Shingle" (workbook)Everyone leaves with a custom booklet to keep under the bed for emergencies. The entire process takes only about 2 1/2 hours and participants leave both more prepared and better knowing their neighbors.

MWJN has 13 organized MYN blocks. To find out what block you’re in or to start a new block, contact us at info@mtwashingtonjessica.org.

Map Your Neighborhood program has taught us personally what social science research concludes: the more people in a neighborhood know each other’s first names, the stronger the neighborhood will be. So start getting prepared by coming to our potluck on Saturday, June 15!
Find out more.