04 Apr

Jessica Triangle Weedathon 4/8/18

2017 Weedathon

2017 Weedathon


Join us Sunday, April 8, from 9 am – 11 am to help pull weeds and beautify our little pocket park. Bring your favorite tools (gloves, clippers, rakes) – we’ll have trash bags and water.

Jessica Triangle is the landmark at the intersection of Jessica Drive and Cleland Avenue. Beginning in the late 90′s, local residents helped transform the triangle from a litter-strewn patch of asphalt to a beautifully landscaped drought-tolerant pocket park.

Please consider donating 30 minutes of your time or $10 from your pocket. Walk-by and drive-by cash donations accepted, or online at mtwashingtonjessica.org/donate/.

05 Sep

CERT Classes Starting Soon

Community Emergency Response Team Logo

FREE CERT Classes coming up:

Also, if you’ve previously taken a CERT class, a Refresher Class is being offered on October 16 from 7:30 AM  – 1 PM at the Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center on Stadium Way.

Check out all CERT classes being offered in the LA area at Eventbrite.

For further information, you may contact the CERT Unit at (213) 893-9840.

06 Aug

MWJN Radio Practice 8/6 & 8/13

Radio Communications - CERT Drill 2014

Radio Communications – CERT Drill 2014

Get Ready for the Drill on 8/19

FRS Radios – inexpensive  battery operated walkie-talkies – are the perfect tool for disasters.  We’ll be practicing on Sunday 8/6 and Sunday 8/13 from Noon – 4:00 PM.

We’re on Channel 13 if you want to test your radio – just call in. If you need help learning how to use the radio, come by 909 Oneonta Drive (near Olancha and 5 Points) for hands-on guidance either Sunday afternoon.

Don’t have a radio? We have some available for a suggested donation of $20 for one or $35 for a pair.  A little more than Home Depot, but will Home Depot teach you how to use it?

Contact us with any questions: info@mtwashingtonjessica.org


05 Aug

CERT Radio Practice 8/17

Community Emergency Response Team LogoCERT Battalion 2 is hosting a communications meeting on Thursday, August 17 from 7-9 pm at Denny’s on San Fernando Rd. in Cypress Park. You can learn the basics of using your FRS radio and practice communicating for the MWJN Combined Resources Drill on the August 19th. You don’t need any CERT training to attend this session – great opportunity!

Denny’s Restaurant: Commmunity Room
3060 North San Fernando Road
Los Angeles, CA 90065

contact: coordinators@cert-la-battalion2.com