04 Dec

Jessica Triangle Clean up – 12/11 11am – 1pm

Paula and Crew Weeding the Triangle
Beautification – Jessica Triangle

Support your neighborhood! The Triangle was created by and is maintained by neighbors in this area. Please come out to trim some dead branches (no weeds this time of year) and help with general cleanup. Bring gloves and any tools you prefer. Working with neighbors is a great preparedness activity.

We request 30 minutes of your time or a $10 donation. We’ll accept cash on the spot or you can donate here.

Find out more about MWJN Beautification.

31 Aug

Jessica Triangle Work Party Sunday 9/4/22

Jessica Triangle Work Party 2016
Jessica Triangle Work Party 2016

Jessica Triangle Work Party Sunday 9/4/22 8am – 10am

The Triangle is thirsty! Please come out to water, trim some dead branches, pull some weeds and help with general clean up. A neighbor kindly allows us to use his hose and water. Citywide, hand watering is allowed before 9am. Bring gloves and any tools you prefer. Its a nice way to meet some neighbors!

Jessica Triangle is the landmark at the intersection of Jessica Drive and Cleland Avenue. Beginning in the late 90′s, local residents helped transform the triangle from a litter-strewn patch of asphalt to a beautifully landscaped drought-tolerant pocket park, and neighbors have been maintaining it ever since. You can read about our involvement in maintaining it on our website.

26 Jul

MWJN Zoom Radio Workshop 8/4/20 7pm

Example Radio plan

As a follow up to our RADIO DRILL on July 26, we are offering a guided workshop hosted by Pierre Landry via Zoom on Tuesday, August 4th from 7-8:30 pm. We will be covering:

  • How radios fit into our MYN Response Plan
  • Review of the the block-level radio plan
  • Basic 2-Way radio tips
  • Practice radio transmissions
  • Next Steps

Sign up for free on Eventbrite:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mwjn-zoom-radio-workshop-8420-tickets-115107198730 (Registration required to access Zoom link)