Stairs leading down to Oneonta Drive, with mural by Mike Schelly
Clean up has already begun to prepare the stairs for a new mural, to be painted by Mike Schelly, the artist who originally painted the stairs in the early 90’s in a neighborhood effort supported by then Councilmember, Jackie Goldberg.

Oneonta-Olancha Stairs (bottom) 2019
The area we want to paint has been a target of taggers over the years, in part due to the drought killing off the original vine that covered the concrete wall near the base.
“The stairs and the triangle are wonderful neighborhood assets. The triangle makes a lovely entrance to our neighborhood. The stairs are a wonderful place to exercise, meet other people, and see the view. The stairs act as a public meeting place in the same way that a square or park does in other cities. Both places also offer an opportunity for neighbors to get involved in a community project that directly affects them, and for which they can see tangible results.” Al Winn, The Eastsider – 2010

Donations Cheerfully Accepted!
We are seeking city approval to add murals on the side and middle panels. We are requesting donations from the community. A total of $2500 is needed for this project. Donations can be made here. Please note on the form that you wish your donation to go toward the Stairs Beautification project. MWJN is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit and your donation is tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Find out more about what our organization does with beautification.
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