Save the Date: The Great California Shakeout 10/15/20

This year we are actively participating in the Great California Shakeout. In the era of Coronavirus, practicing at home is the most practical.
On October 15, 2020 at 10:15am we will all Drop Cover and Hold on. After 60 seconds, we will all practice our Map Your Neighborhood 9 Steps (the first 6 steps that we do at home). In lieu of step 7 which would have us all go to our Neighborhood Gathering Sites, we will instead get on our walkie -talkies and tune in to channel 5 for a neighborhood roll call. We will conclude with a discussion of the Shakeout Drill and what we learned.

Drop, Cover, and Hold On: Have your members Drop to the ground, take Cover under a table or desk, and Hold On to it as if a major earthquake were happening (stay down for at least 60 seconds). Practice now so you will immediately protect yourself during earthquakes! (See this page for what to do if in bed, outside, driving, in a tall building, or other situations.) For people with disabilities or access and functional needs, download our preparedness guide (661 KB) PDF.
While still under the table, or wherever you are, look around and imagine what would happen in a major earthquake. What would fall on you or others? What would be damaged? What would life be like after? What will you do before the actual earthquake happens to reduce losses and quickly recover?
Practice what you will do after the shaking stops.
After your drill is complete, have discussions about what was learned and incorporate these lessons into your disaster plan.
Remember: this is a good opportunity to think about securing items in your home that could fall and injure someone in an earthquake. Also a good time to check your disaster kits and restock as necessary.