Support your neighborhood! The Triangle was created by and is maintained by neighbors in this area. Please come out to trim some dead branches (no weeds this time of year) and help with general cleanup. Bring gloves and any tools you prefer. Working with neighbors is a great preparedness activity.
We request 30 minutes of your time or a $10 donation. We’ll accept cash on the spot or you can donate here.
Practice using FRS radios to communicate with others in our blocks and with other blocks
Practice problem solving to address incidents caused by a major earthquake
Attend a Debrief at the end of the drill to compare notes, discover correct answers, meet neighbors and eat pizza
We will also be practicing using our FRS radios (walkie-talkies). Our initial check-ins from our homes will be similar to what we’ve been practicing in our Sunday evening radio practices. As we walk our blocks we will use one channel to communicate between the walking team and the team at the Gathering Site. A separate channel will be reserved to communicate with the staging manager for the whole neighborhood.
Our response is to Drop Cover and Hold on and to practice what we’ve learned in our Map Your Neighborhood program. We will not be coordinating with CERT this time. We will follow our 9 Steps and go to our gathering sites to form teams. The teams will assess the blocks by looking for special yellow Drill Incident Cards. We will not be seeing bloodied bodies or hauling people in stretchers. This will be more of a “Thought Exercise” focusing on decision making utilizing the resources we know we have in our blocks (found in our Contact Lists and Skills and Equipment Inventories)
This is a covid compliant event and masks are requested even if you’re fully vaccinated.
As a follow up to our RADIO DRILL on July 26, we are offering a guided workshop hosted by Pierre Landry via Zoom on Tuesday, August 4th from 7-8:30 pm. We will be covering:
“Radio Days” refers to an informal, socially distanced walkie-talkie clinic from 10am – 2pm hosted in the driveway/garage at 909 Oneonta Drive. In preparation for the MWJN Radio Drill on 7/26, our radio team will spend their weekends between now and then helping you get your FRS radios working. Maybe the batteries are dead and corroded. Maybe you never learned how to turn it on or change the channel. Maybe you’re experienced with walkie-talkies at work but unfamiliar with how we use them in this neighborhood.
We’ll have some handouts and practice scripts and information about our Radio Drill on 7/26
Masks are not optional for Radio Days and will be provided if you don’t wear your own. There will be a sign up sheet for half hour time slots to minimize waiting times.
Don’t forget to bring your radios! If you don’t have one, we can provide one.
JULY 2020 SPECIAL – Donations of $30 will receive a pair of fully programmed FRS radios with charger. $15 will get 1 radio.